This app is just stunning but…..
It needs the following features to become my go-to CRM:
- DOCS…..Document support. I wish that there was a way to store documents in contacts or for an orbit.
- CALENDER SYNC….Sync with Apple Calendar (I personally use Fantastical, but that syncs with my Apple Calendar so it would still work)
- SHORTCUTS…..Support for keyboard shortcuts such as. Closing any popup with “esc”, saving contact info or orbit info with a simple “cmd+s” or “cmd+enter” for Save and close window. Creating a new contact with “cmd+n”
- FULL MENU INTEGRATION….Menu items in the OS X Application menu would be nice (new contact, new orbit, insert document…..etc etc)
- IMPORT…...Import/Export contacts in CSV
Other than that. I am super impressed with this product. Its simple but effective.